Ashcroft, as Attorney General, heads the U.S. Department of Justice,
the cabinet agency responsible for enforcing the law, controlling crime
and ensuring fair and impartial justice for all Americans. The department
manages the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the U.S. Attorneys
and Special Prosecutors who prosecute the government's cases. Ashcroft
has been a governor and a one-term senator from Missouri. In his bid
for re-election in 2000, he was defeated by Mel Carnahan, who had died
during the campaign.
SPADES are members of President George W. Bush's Administration,
either Cabinet members or Advisors. The departments they lead implement
the rules and policies established by the Administration as well as
by the laws passed by the U.S. Congress, the House of Representatives
and the Senate. They are in power as appointees of the President who
is in office because of the choices made in the 2000 Presidential election
by the voters and the U.S. Supreme Court.