Paul Davis   Sean Boggs   Leslie Lew Andy Hadel / Bmotion Design


Paul Davis

Paul Davis is a painter, illustrator and art director best known for his film and theatre posters—in particular those he did for Joe Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival—and most recently for Tony Kushner's new Broadway play, "Caroline, or Change." His illustrations have appeared in magazines—Time, The New Yorker, GQ, Wired, Fast Company, Rolling Stone to name a few—as well as on film titles, CD jackets and book covers. He was founding art director for two magazines, Normal and WigWag. Paul is fascinated with faces and his portraits run the gamut of famous faces: musicians from Dylan to Thelonius Monk, actors from Jack Nicholson to Harvey Fierstein, activists from Nader to Che Guevera, poets and writers from Yevtushenko to Vidal—and every President of the United States since Harry Truman. He's had numerous one-man exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout Europe, the U.S. and Japan—and a retrospective of his drawings, paintings and theatrical posters will be held in September 2004 at the Nuages Gallery in Milan and in Lumezzane, Italy.

Paul's portrait of President George Bush was inspired by one of the President's favorite photographs of himself.


Sean Boggs Sean Boggs is an Isllustrator and graphic designer who lives and works in New York City and has George W. Bush to thank for insipiring him to become politically involved. Creating the ink drawings that Illustrate the 52 cards for Not Quite a Full Deck has been a great occasion for Sean to combine his artistic and political interests. Sean is a graduate of Columbia University.
Leslie Lew Leslie Lew paints thick, bas-relief oil paintings depicting the diverse range of experiences that color American life and the icons of vintage comics and Pop Art. Some refer to her work as "sculpted oils" of American culture. Her paintings are nostalgic and culturally reflexive, reminding people of what America has been in the past—and she hopes evoking its visions for the future. She had her first solo show in the East Village in New York in 1985 at Sensory Evolution Gallery and has had fifteen since then at galleries around the country including Bernice Steinbaum (NY), OK Harris (NY), Kravets/Wehby (NY), Margulies Taplin (FL) and Hamilton Galleries (CA). Leslie has been in dozens of group shows and her work has been included in a wide range of publications including The New York Times, East Village: A Guide, A Documentary, The Best of Oil Painting 1996, The Best of Acrylic Painting 1996. Her paintings are currently traveling in a museum show entitled, "Comic Release! Negotiating Identity for a New Generation."

Leslie's Jokers were inspired by a vintage, 17th century deck of cards, and photographs of "chads," both dimpled and hanging.


Jessica Wells Jessica Wells did the extensive research to verify the sources for quotes used for the cards of Not Quite a Full Deck. She lives and works in New York City in development for major arts and educational institutions. Jessica is a graduate of Barnard College.
Andy Hadel / Bmotion Design

Andy Hadel is an art director/designer for print, corporate identity, packaging, advertising and interactive media. Bmotion Design, his design boutique in New York City, specializes in helping companies plan for and execute websites, cd-roms, videos and multimedia presentations. Bmotion Design services many industries with an emphasis on the museum and education sector.



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