
Spades are members of President George W. Bush's Administration, either Cabinet members or Advisors. The departments they lead implement the rules and policies established by the Administration as well as by the laws passed by the U.S. Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. They are in power as appointees of the President who is in office because of the choices made in the 2000 Presidential election by the voters and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hearts Hearts are members of either the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Supreme Court. The House initiates (along with the Senate) the laws that govern our nation. The number of House members per state is divided roughly on its population and is limited to 435 members. The most powerful members of the House are the Speaker, the majority leadership and the committee chairs, which are always members of the majority party. Chairmen of the subcommittees of Appropriations are known as 'Cardinals' due to the power they wield over the allocation of federal funds. House members serve for two-year terms and are in power because you voted for them. The Supreme Court is made up of nine justices who serve for life and are appointed by the President as vacancies arise. They interpret and rule on the constitutionality of laws and rules made by the Congress and Administration when issues arise. They are in power because you voted for the President who appointed them.
Diamonds Diamonds are members of the U.S. Senate. There are two Senators for each state in the union, regardless of population. After working out differences in conference with House, the Senate passes the legislation that becomes the "law of the land." The most powerful Senators are the majority leadership and the committee chairs, which are always members of the majority party. Chairmen of the subcommittees of Appropriations are known as 'Cardinals' due to the power they wield over the allocation of federal funds. Senators serve for six-year terms and are in power because you voted for them.
Clubs Clubs are persons whose successful media activities influence public opinion or whose organizing and lobbying activities give them influence "behind the scenes," invisible to the public. They wield power because you and your representatives in the Congress choose to view, listen or read what they have to say, or because of the access they gain through large political contributions.
Jokers Jokers are change agents in a deck of cards. They are often called wild cards, and can be used negatively or positively. In tarot card decks, they signify a reversal in your fortune. In this deck they represent your votes. In Florida's counting of the votes cast in the 2000 Presidential election, the "hanging chad" became notorious and many states have purchased electronic voting machines hoping to preclude similar problems occurring in their states. There is much discussion about whether these machines will accurately tally and keep a record of the votes cast. With all indications currently suggesting the 2004 Presidential race will be neck-in-neck, your votes—and the accuracy of the count—are where the real power lies.


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